Good Afternoon, 

This is a reminder for students who will be participating in tonight’s Football Marching Band. Remember to be at the school between 5:00-5:15 pm. Park in the student lot closest to Hillside Road (see attached). Please were appropriate pants and sneakers (jeans, khakis,  etc.). Please do no wear pajama pants, sandals, etc. Wear your Gold AI Band T-shirt or any other Gold/Yellow T-shirt. (I will have a shirt for 9th grade members). Also bring the AI Band Raincoat. Do no forget your music and all parts of your instrument. Band fronts please remember all parts of your uniform, warm ups, and equipment (whatever you decided on Wednesday night). 

If you have not attended at least one of the two practices this week please do not come to the game tonight. 

Remember to scan the QR code and have your temperature checked at the gate. PLEASE close your browser tab after you click submit. If you do not do so it can change the timestamp for the form. 

Kickoff is at 6:00 pm. The band will be playing one song from the stands at halftime. We will also be playing the fight song and any other stand tunes that we are able to learn throughout the game. The game should finish around 8:00-8:30. Students should call or text for a ride during the 4th quarter. The band will exit the stadium immediately after the game concludes. Students should wait for their rides on the sidewalk by the band member parking (see attached). Please do not stay on the sidewalk by the stadium because the football teams will be exiting there as well. 

Please remember to bring water for yourself. Do not forget to eat ahead of time because the concession stand will not be open. 
Remember your masks, bell covers, and please keep 6′ apart at all times. 
Below is a link to all of the Live Streaming Links for this fall. 

Rich Weaver